Baby's Eyes & First Eye Exam
Babies grow so fast, and from the first months of life, babies are beginning to develop the amazing abilities of the complicated human eye. It's important to ensure that a child's eyes are healthy and developing properly.

Eye Conditions Affecting Children
It's important to ensure that a child's eyes are healthy and developing properly. Good vision is important for learning, and young children may not be able to recognize or verbalize that they are experiencing a problem with vision. Conditions such as crossed eyes or lazy eye can often be fully corrected if detected and treated at an early age.

Starting school is an exciting time for kids. It's also an ideal time to take your child for a comprehensive eye examination. Eye See...Eye Learn™ is an early childhood program designed to ensure that eye health and/or vision problems are not factors in preventing children from performing to their full potential, including one free pair of glasses for kindergarten children, as prescribed by an optometrist. Manitoba Health covers the cost of eye exams for children under 19 years; however, less than 20% of Manitoba's families have taken advantage of this coverage for their kindergarten-aged children.